EAST Conference 2019
Our students did great at the EAST conference. They had to present the projects they've been working on this year to over 3,000 people during the course of the last three days. From 8-4pm, the students had to work our conference booth explaining to all the attendees what we had done this year. The kids "pitched" our projects to a group of judges on Wednesday, who interviewed them for about 15 minutes about what we've worked on this year. This is not an easy task, especially when done in front of so many people. There were approximately 300 schools (mainly middle and high schools) at this event. At the awards gala, we won the Judges' Choice Award for overall booth design, our projects and presentation. This award was given to approximately 30 schools. Besides presenting, the kids also learned a lot about different types of technology and went to different classes taught by all kinds of interesting people, like the animators of Frozen and The Polar Express. We had a great time and look forward to going back again next year.
Here is a video the students created today to explain more about their experiences this past week:
Check out the EAST students' online conference brochure that explains in more detail about the projects that they presented at this link: https://sites.google.com/view/2019eastconferencebrochure/home