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2018 House Assembly

This afternoon, we had our annual schoolwide house assembly to sort all of our new students and kindergartners into the four houses that make up our school. If you're new to Carver, we have a house system (think Harry Potter) where all students and staff are placed in our four houses (Amistad, Dienen, Funda, & Yorisi). These houses contain everyone in the school and we meet on a regular basis. It's a way for the staff and students to get to know a small group of folks better. During the course of the nine weeks, students earn points for their houses and we have a fun trip planned for the winners. We do this each nine weeks and then have a big celebration at the end of the year for the House with the most points. Congratulations needs to go out to Funda...they won the House Championship last year! Who will win this year???

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