Field Day T-shirts For Sale
Here's a link to the order form: ORDER FORM
Shirts will be printed in Yellow, Red, Blue and Green
Students are to choose shirt order based off what HOUSE they are placed in. If you need more than 1 shirt, please fill out an order form for each shirt order.
If you do not know what color shirt your child needs, please check with his/her teacher to choose the correct color. Shirts will have Carver Magnet Elementary written on them.
Price $12 for YSM-Adult XL, $1 more 2XL, $2 more 3XL, $4 more 4XL
Yellow- Yorisi Red- Amistad Blue-Funda Green-Dienen
Name: _________________________________________________
Students Name: _________________________________________
Phone: ___________________ Email________________________
Teacher: _______________________________________________
Shirt Size _________________ Quantity________ Color_________________
Make Check Payable to: Carver PTA Order Deadline Date: April 30, 2018
Questions? Contact Kimberly Martin, PTA Pres., 501-291-6497 or;
Please turn in order forms to Ms. Stewart Rm 115